Two crazy kids in love (and their dog) take you on a journey through animal rights!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Spartan Vegan Vision

Hi! I'm Jennifer, and Spartan Vegan is my creation. When I was 17, I attended North Carolina Governor's School in Raleigh, North Carolina. One night, we had a animal rights speaker come in and talk about animals as food and for experiments. I was so horrified, I went back to my dorm and told my friends that I didn't think I would eat meat anymore.... And I didn't! Five years later, and I have decided to end my love affair with dairy and take the plunge into veganism.

I have many ideas for this blog. I'll be reviewing some vegan cookbooks, offering up some vegan recipes, letting you know exactly why I made the choice to go vegan, and hopefully organizing a project or two I have up my sleeve! Henry, the dog, will be detailing the happenings with companion animals... And Kurt will offer you guys a break from my ranting! I have two dear friends who are both vegan cooking goddesses, so I might get them to write a guest-blog or two! And ultimately, I would like to set up a support group for vegans, vegetarians, and all those who make a difference in the Spartanburg area.

I would like to stress that you do not have to be vegan or even vegetarian to read this blog. I know most Americans have a love-affair with meat, and it would be very, very hard to stop it. But consider this, EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS! Every time you skip out on a burger you are making a difference, even if you just eat a chicken sandwich the next day. And I, the animals, your body, and the environment thank you for it!

Interested? Want to know how lowering or eliminating your animal consumption can help stop global warming and make you healthier? Want to know exactly what you can do to help homeless animals? Then read on!!


Anonymous said...

I can only hope this is a great turnout! I will try to keep up with it!

Jenni-Benni said...

Thanks Jeff! I hope there is a great turnout as well.